Preventing Flea Infestations


Recently, several people wrote to me about fleas. They seem to be particularly bad this year. It’s really important to prevent flea infestations because besides being gross, they are uncomfortable and unhealthy for your pup. Fleas can cause skin problems, anemia, and tapeworm. They can even kill puppies. 

Flea infestations are horrible. Years ago, Mason and I were at a buddy’s apartment in Nashville. We had just finished sharing a peace pipe, and Bo was showing me a book about the World’s Fair at Centennial Park. I remember thinking “this weed must be really good because the words are jumping off the page.” 

Only, they weren’t words. They were fleas, a lot of them. The infestation was so bad we resorted to chemical warfare. We stormed his apartment, wearing masks, glasses, and yellow kitchen gloves, and sprayed pesticides that probably aren’t even legal anymore. Before we left, we set off three flea bombs. Needless to say, we annihilated every single one. The fumes were so bad Bo couldn’t live there for a week.

Because of this experience, Mason and I religiously use a monthly preventative. Occasionally, I find a flea or tick on my freaks, but thankfully we’ve never had a problem in our house. For us, Sentinel works great. It’s chewable, reasonably priced, and prevents heartworm too. I’m not pushing this particular product. I’m just letting you know what works for us. There are all kinds of options outside of Sentinel that you can check out here. 

During the summer months, I add a topical for ticks to their monthly routine. We live in the country, deep in the woods, surrounded by nothing but greenery, so ticks are a problem. They are such a problem that we also have the yard professionally sprayed once a year or we can’t walk to the mailbox without getting a tick on our ankle. 

I know flea and tick preventative is expensive, but it’s necessary. Especially during these hotter than ever summers. If you need a short-term solution or if you have an animal under six weeks old, bathe them with Dawn detergent. But for your animal’s health and your own sanity, use a monthly preventative.