Two Surgeries in Two Weeks


I’m sorry for the lack of posts lately but we’ve had a hectic two weeks at the Farnival. First, I needed surgery because I cracked a tooth chewing on hard candy. I actually cracked it during quarantine but because it wasn’t infected, I had to wait for regulations to lighten before a surgeon would see me. PSA: listen when someone tells you that chewing hard candy can damage your teeth. And never, ever chew it during a pandemic.

The week after my ordeal, Sara tore her meniscus. We knew it as soon as we saw her holding her paw off the ground. This is the second time she’s had surgery on her right knee since the fall of 2018. The first one was on her ACL. She was over it then, and I can promise you she’s over it now.

She’s especially over wearing the lampshade and drags it against furniture, walls, and doorframes to make sure we know it. Emotionally, it’s hard on her too. She can’t play in the backyard with Adriana or wrestle with Floyd on the porch. And when we all leave for our afternoon walk, she has to stay home alone.

The surgery on her torn meniscus wasn’t nearly as complicated as the first on her ACL, so we’re hoping for a much quicker recovery. We did take her off the opioids a lot earlier this time, like forty-eight hours post surgery. She definitely had some discomfort, but she was much happier.

Sara hated the pain meds. We had to shove that pill halfway down her throat to get her to swallow it. She had no problem taking the Rimadyl and antibiotic, but she fought the pain meds so much that we started listening to her. She was clearly telling us that she didn’t like how they made her feel. And I get it. Opioids make me nauseous. I stuck to ibuprofen after they extracted my tooth.

Instead, we’ve been massaging her knee and icing it for ten minutes a few times a day. Plus, we’ve been giving her a higher dose of CBD oil. I can’t say enough about CBD oil. It’s one trend that actually lives up to the hype. It’s been a week since her surgery, and we couldn’t be happier with her progress. She’s been doing so good that Mason took her for a ten-minute stroll on the greenway this morning, and right now she’s snoring away in the bedroom.