I really dig Pope Francis…I think.
Lucy 2003-2012
Hey y’all: did you hear the uproar over what the pope said?
“Holy Scripture teaches us that the fulfillment of this wonderful design also affects everything around us.” – Pope Francis
Many people are saying his remark means that dogs go to heaven. I have to admit Pope Francis’s words are pretty vague and d-o-g isn’t in the sentence, but maybe it’s one step closer to changing attitudes. I love what Christine Gutleben, senior director of faith outreach at the Humane Society said (as quoted in the NYTimes) :
“If the pope did mean that all animals go to heaven, then the implication is that animals have a soul. And if that’s true, then we ought to seriously consider how we treat them.
If you’re interested in religion and animals, I wrote more about it here.