Taste of Country Update

ICHBA had a fantastic day at Taste of Country yesterday in Springfield, TN. The only bad part was the heat. It was wicked hot. I literally sweated out five pounds and Donna almost had a heat stroke, but as far as marketing we couldn’t have spent our time in a better place.

Donna, ICHBA’s head honcho, passed out so many cards she ran out and had to start writing her contact info on notebook paper. We signed up six people for ICHBA’s low-cost spay and neutering program. But, the best news of all: two families started the adoption process for Lucy and Percy. Y’all know Lucy. Click here for a refresher. Percy is some kind of cattle mutt living with another ICHBA foster family.

Our booth was swamped from the time we arrived until about an hour before closing time, so I didn’t get many pictures. But I did catch this special moment when Percy laid down next to a young disabled boy in a wheelchair.
