Doggie Blog…. Stevenson Style No. 2
Entry No. 2: Great American Ron Explains Pee Pee couch
No one in the history of the world could ever accuse Mama Lucia of being unclear in her thoughts, words and actions. She has always been honest and succinct, especially in her feelings about family.
She had two phrases that were used on a near daily basis in the Stevenson household: Truth is the greatest good (naturally, we were scared to death to fib); All is right in the world when the family is together.
My dad, The Great American Ron, developed his “catch” phrase as time passed. It’s one he rarely forgets anymore. Short, simple… he says: The more I know people, the more I like to hang out with the dogs.
The Great American Ron is truly a wonderful person, incredible dad and of course, friend to all dogs. He doesn’t say that phrase because he’s down on people. He’s just really high on dogs.
In our family, that’s an easy thing to do. We’ve rescued them for as long as I can remember. We’ve had all kinds of dogs. And as each of us has more experience with dogs, we realize they are incredibly simple but truly remarkable beings.
Dad knows dogs better than anyone else in the family, which is why I shouldn’t have been surprised when he offered an insane excuse as to why Lucy had peed on the couch. He basically said Lucy just has a great life.
What the?????
Ted and I were having a lazy Sunday watching History Channel, NCIS and other gems in the DVR. It was 22 degrees outside, so while Stanley was basking in the frost, Lucy was inconveniently snuggled up between Ted and I on the couch. The Princess prefers body contact with both humans, at all times.
She was snoring away when I felt it… that awkward wet feeling that greets you in a place where moisture doesn’t belong. I immediately jumped up, waking her, shoving Ted off the couch all in order to get the blanket up before the pee hit the couch.
As I complained about this ordeal with The Great American Ron later, reminding him she is only nine years old, he offered this explanation: “She’s only nine and she’s a tiny dog. Those dogs live a long time. So it’s not her age. It’s probably just something else. Or maybe she was just THAT comfortable and THAT relaxed that it happened. She loves her life. We should be so lucky.”
Oh, dad. Crazy, insanely funny…. Ridiculous…. Dad.
Sadly, he DOES have a point. Stanley and Lucy are both excellent dogs in that I never have to clean up messes (dog hair is an entirely different story… I can make a faux Lucy out of Stanley hair daily….). We have dog doors and I’m an absolute nutter when I bring a new dog into the house. I set the alarm to go off every 45 minutes to train them early so pee-pee couches aren’t an issue. Neighbors can attest I celebrate like Mardi Graswith “GOOD PEE PEE!” when training dogs to get them on board from the start.
So I couldn’t really be mad at her, could I? She was sawing logs and by the looks of it, she was chasing the cat. And winning. Maybe she really was THAT relaxed and THAT comfortable. My job has turned me into an insane person with back problems due to stressfully hunching over my computer. I talk to myself out loud (no, I don’t answer myself… yet.) I know I can’t be SOOO relaxed I would pee myself on the couch during a nap.
That would be some nap though, wouldn’t it?