Joe’s Buddy by Joe Vest


Buddy came into my life this past Thursday. He immediately seemed to understand we were very much the same. We have been through way too much and both have limps. His tail is missing, but I’ve had numerous lower back surgeries. I’ve enough titanium in my body to start my own space shuttle. However, this is not so much about me as Buddy. I lost my best friend, BeBop to the maladies of age this past April. He was 16 years old. That is a full life for a mini dachshund. I missed him terribly, but understood he could never be replaced. He was who he was and there would never be another BeBop. Buddy just happened to come into my life. It was never intended and I was not really looking for another dog.

However, as I began to hear about Buddy I was intrigued and knew I needed to meet him. I knew if I were to have another dog it would have to have several characteristics. First, it would have to be at least a year old. I did not think I wanted to deal with the early puppy stage. Second, it would have to be a male. They are generally less aggressive and would get along better with our other dog, Bingo. She prefers males. Then he would have to be housebroken and would have to be able to climb the stairs onto the porch by himself, get in and out of the van by himself, and be able to walk gently on a leash. He would have to be a quiet dog and not a yappy one.

Buddy came to visit Thursday. My grandkids who live with us were home as were Bingo and I. From the first moment we met it was magic. He loved the kids, loved Bingo, and seemed to know my limits. We kept him for a few days before completely committing to him. I needed to know how he would fit into our life and if I could handle him and whether he could be my new best friend. It has been an amazing few days. He is everything I could want in a companion. He is very gentle with me, yet enjoys playing what I can. He loves to run in the fenced back yard with my grandkids. He will play for hours with them, then come in next to me and fall asleep on the floor. When my wife, Mary, goes outside it is usually to the garden. He escorts her to the garden and then lays by the gate and watches her while she works there. When she is done, he escorts her back in the house. It is as if he is helping her in the garden.

He looks over me and takes care of me constantly. He loves to go anywhere with me and will walk so gently on his leash and does not pull on me. He seems to understand my limits and wants to take care of me. When we get where we need to be, he just lays by my feet. He does not try to walk or run from us, but is just so happy to be next to us. At night he lays next to my bed and waits for me to get up in the morning. He has fit wonderfully into our family. I am thankful for the opportunity to have this kind “Buddy” as part of my life.

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