Delia by Katherine Peacock

If Delia were human, she would be a grumpy old lady sitting in her rocking chair on the front porch. She would pass the day by fussing at the crummy squirrels stealing from the bird feeder & shaking her cane at the rascally kids from down the street messing with her mailbox.

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The Dogs of Natchez Trace by Geoff Reed

Driving the 440 miles on the Natchez Trace Parkway from the Northern terminus west of Nashville, not far from where I live, to Natchez, Mississippi is a great experience. Lots of historical sites to see, a beautiful, litter free road, no trucks, uncrowded and peaceful, the way driving was supposed to be.

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The Orange Cat Who Wasn’t by Charlotte Padfield

When I was seven, I went for a car ride in our 4-Runner with my mom and my six-year-old brother Rex that I still slightly remember. I’m seventeen so it happened ten years ago, but that ride is one of those memories I like to think about because it’s still a special day for me. It’s the day I found Fiona.

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“Come On Down!” by Geoff Reed

When I was a kid in the 1970’s, The Price is Right was my favorite game show and Bob Barker was The Man. I liked it how the contestants would jump and down and the ladies kissed Bob as the bells and ringers went off and the lights flashed. I liked the models, the big wheel, the fabulous showcases and the audience shouting “higher!” or “lower!” at whoever was on stage trying to gage the price of an item.

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Keep on Chuggin’ by Geoff Reed

I never had a lap dog and never really wanted one, but two years ago I ended up with a Chug. A Chug is one of those unofficial mixed breeds resulting when a Pug and a Chihuahua mate by chance or by a breeder hoping to make a few bucks. I had always preferred the company of big sporting or working dogs, but maybe approaching the big five-o had me coming around to the idea of getting a small dog. I had always noticed that the older people got, the smaller their dogs seemed to be.

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A Dream Comes True by Shane Armstrong

Truth time. I have longed for a beagle since I was a little girl back in Kentucky.  My older cousins had a tri-color beagle named Molly whom I loved. I desperately wanted one for my very own. I could fudge a little and say that it was my secret dream to have my own beagle but that would be untrue.  I longed for a beagle and everyone knew it. There was not a birthday that I did not wish for one when I blew out the candles on my cake, or a Christmas when I didn’t hope Santa would make my dream come true. Through a series of misfortunes, it would actually take me almost four decades to bring home my very own beagle, but the happy ending was everything I had dreamed of since childhood.

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Finding Sophia by Jennifer Blair

In August of 2013, I hit an emotional low. Numerous issues plagued me even though I seemed to be living a picture-perfect life.  I had a devoted husband, precious children to love, a good job that I enjoyed, a beautiful home to live in, and nice cars to drive. I couldn’t understand why my life seemed to be spiraling out of control.

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