A Permanent Hiatus
The best picture ever
I think it’s appropriate I started fostering dogs with a pack of five and I’m going to end my volunteer work with a pack of five dogs. I’m sorry to report the Farnival is taking a permanent hiatus. There are a bunch of reasons why I made this decision but mostly its because I’m not nearly as tough as I thought I was. Every time I say goodbye to one of these dogs my heart breaks. There are only so many times my heart can be broken before it needs to heal. It’s time to heal.
Concerning our last foster dog Bee, she left yesterday afternoon. Donna worked her butt off to find other living arrangements. I’m happy to report when Bee left here, she was responding to the e-collar. As far as her future, I’m not sure if I want to know what happens. That’s one story that might never have an ending. I know Mace and I couldn’t have gone through with euthanizing her. For that reason alone, we aren’t cut out for this type of work.
I literally can’t put into words what these two years meant to me. It’s definitely been an emotional roller coaster. These mutts have made Mason and I laugh until our sides hurt and cry until we had headaches. We’ve saved the lives of thirty dogs in two years. I know it’s not much when you consider that 2-4 million animals are euthanized every year in the U.S., but I can’t help and feel some pride.
Although I won’t be updating, I’m going to leave the site up for a bit. Maybe talk to Charlotte about helping me set up a Farnival Hall of Fame during her winter break from college. I don’t know why but I feel like the stories of these homeless dogs need to stay alive for a while longer. Maybe I’ll try turning them into a book someday
I can’t thank y’all enough. You loyal freaks gave me the motivation to keep writing through this whole experience, even when I was grieving. I’ve made so many friends through the Farnival that listing them would take a whole other post. I have to give a special shout-out to Charlotte for designing the site, the numerous contributors for exposing their hearts, the Pidgeon’s for their unending support, ICHBA for letting us adopt three awesome dogs, and most of all, Mason. Mace, I don’t know anybody else that would have helped me chase a feral dog through a southern ghetto in the middle of July. You didn’t ask for any of it, but you’ve been by my side through all of it. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.