Getting Busy
I get asked a lot of questions about dogs on a daily basis, and I often try to answer popular inquiries on the blog. This latest topic is a little personal, so I’ve been avoiding it, but it gets asked so often by both friends and readers that I feel like it’s something we need to address.
Since I’ve started writing about fostering animals, having sex when the dogs are in the bed comes up a lot, probably because I’m always yapping about the amount of freaks that sleep with us. Some people think it’s weird and others say when their love interest doesn’t accept it, then it’s a deal-breaker. Even my mom asked on her last visit, trying to be tactful but honestly curious, “Melissa, how do you and Mason get busy with all the dogs in the bed every night?”
The answer is that our pack doesn’t care. They really don’t. Just like they don’t care if I walk around the house naked. Mostly, dogs don’t understand clothes anyway; that’s a human hang-up. But secondly, it’s like anything else. If you expose them to a situation enough, they get used to it. Frankly, when we’re getting busy, our dogs typically do one of three things: watch with disinterest, sleep through the storm, or jump off the bed for more stable ground.
Once in a while, we’ve had foster dogs – particularly puppies – get curious and stick their cold noses in unwelcome places. But after firmly pushing them away, they learn the drill pretty quick. To sum up, having sex when dogs are in the bed isn’t really a big deal, particularly if you’re getting busy on a regular basis. At the Farnival, it’s just part of the socialization process.