Money-Saving Tip for the Weekend
Rosie, Adriana, and Meadow
Every time I buy dog toys from major chains, I end up spending twenty bucks for two squeaking toys that my freaks effectively rip apart with minutes. I dare any toy maker in the country to send their toughest product to the Farnival and challenge us.
Sometime last year, I gave up buying dog toys. They are too expensive and they don’t last. But I also know that young dogs need something to chew up and play with or my furniture and shoes will pay the price. Now, I go to the Goodwill. I buy ten stuffed animals for like 2 bucks. Yes, I end up having to clean up the stuffing, but I have to clean up the stuffing in overpriced dog toys anyway. Even when the stuffing is gone, our dogs play with the leftover animal carcasses for days. And when they tire of it, I give them another one to mangle because it only cost a few cents anyway.
Obviously, be smart. Don’t buy toys with buttons or small plastic pieces that could get stuck in their throats or the ones with tiny beads that will take hours to sweep up.
If anybody ever has any money-saving tips concerning dogs, please write to us at Have a great weekend.