Dawn Update 7: 20 Puppies in 6 Months


Dawn, a feral dog that we’ve been trying to capture since June, had her second litter, twelve pure black pups on Tuesday, November 25th.

Counting the Magic 8, the first litter ICHBA saved, Dawn’s had a total of 20 puppies in half a year. I mean, I’ve read all the stats before, but to watch the rate of reproduction among homeless animals live and in living color is a whole different level of awareness. What we’re up against is astounding.

ICHBA has told the women of Smith Street– Bernice, Sandra, and Martha – that we’ll take the pups, but only with Dawn. If they allow us back onto their property to catch her, then we’ll help. But if not, we won’t.

It’s a hard stance. Thinking about those twelve pups, supposedly born under a piece of tin in Martha’s backyard, keeps Donna, Mason, and I up at night.

But we all agree we can’t become some sort of “puppy mill” for Dawn. She needs to be caught and fixed. End of story.

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