Good Luck, Rosie

Rosie Aprile

Rosie’s gone. It happened fast, didn’t it? I found out about Chris’s interest on Sunday and at 11 AM Tuesday morning Rosie left the Farnival.  I guess I needed it to happen that way. Rosie was by far (for me) the hardest emotional test of my resolve to rescue dogs not adopt them. I wanted her forever. I really did. Right now, I feel like someone whacked my heart with a baseball bat. But it’ll get better. It always does.

The good news is that we’re thrilled about her new home. Her pack leader Chris promises to stay in contact a lot over the next couple months. He has big plans for our Rosie. He wants to have Rosie trained as a companion dog, meaning she won’t ever have to leave his side. I can’t think of a better role for our loyal galoot. Knowing she’s going to a good home makes saying goodbye a hell of a lot easier.