Happy Holidays!
Twas a month before Christmas, when out of the house Karma was staring…did she see a mouse?
I flipped on the light to see out on the deck What’s this?…a red kitten…oh no!…what the heck?
I coaxed it inside, I couldn’t say “shoo”
We just had to keep it…that face!…wouldn’t you? A boy or a girl?…take a peek if I dare
Well, that confirms it…he’d been hung with care.
How old was this baby…from where had he come?
I found myself thinking…”thank God there’s just one”! He ate all our food, stole Jim’s shirt for a bed
All our friends told us the BEST cats are red.
Dashed off to the Vet…he did not even pout
He’s healthy except for the worms coming out! Rabbit fur, baby teeth…such a cute boy
Some meds and some shots and he’ll bring us great joy!
All of a sudden I’ll hear such a clatter,
I’ll run in the room to see what’s the matter. Karma will hiss…she isn’t yet smitten,
But she’ll come around to this annoying kitten.
Who ever said that cats and dogs fight? They’re friendly already…they’re gonna be tight. He’s settled in nicely and plays with his toys, He kisses and hugs and makes lots of cute noise.
What’s in a name?…Dexter sounds right, Since our deck was the end of his homeless plight. So let’s celebrate and sing “Dex the Halls” Cause come the new year he’ll be losing his…….
By Eileen Looloian