Lucy: Everything Happens for a Reason
Ninety-five percent of the time Lucy is a chill dog. So chill, one potential adopter decided she wasn’t a good fit because she was too aloof. In fact, the only time I see Lucy get excited is when she sees her foster dad Geoff Reed. The moment that dog sees Geoff she goes nuts and acts like a misbehaving puppy, jumping, leaping, kissing. I guess she knew before the rest of us she belonged with him.
If you haven’t already guessed, Lucy’s foster dad Geoff is adopting her. I have to give him props because he held out longer than most. Lucy was adopted out in January, returned after several months, and then multiple potential families fell through for one reason or another. It finally got to the point where Geoff couldn’t even interview interested candidates anymore. He was tired of resisting and finally conceded Lucy belongs right by his side.
A lot of the time, I get angry when people return dogs, but the longer I foster animals the wiser I become. Now, after seeing where Meadow, Rosie, and Lucy – all returned dogs – ended up, I’m changing my self-righteous tune. I’m beginning to accept that everything happens for a reason.
Congratulations, Lucy and Geoff.