Lucy from Perry County Update

Lucy from Perry County

It’s a beautiful Tuesday, low humidity, cloudless, sunshine drenching the spring foliage like honey. A soft northwest breeze flutters the leaves. A woodpecker determinedly taps at a trunk, and brave squirrels scale the tree branches that canopy our backyard.

It’s the kind of day when a family takes their dog to the park, not the kind when they surrender them to a rescue agency. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what’s going to happen this afternoon.

Do you remember Lucy from Perry County? Click here for a refresher. Today the family that had adopted her four months ago is returning her to ICHBA. Since Mason and I have a space, we’ve agreed to foster her this time around. Her humans say she’s destructive, and that they can’t keep her anymore. My inkling is that her behavior has more to do with boredom than anything else. From what I’ve heard, she doesn’t get much exercise and spends a whole lot of time in a garage by herself. Please understand I’m not blaming anyone for what happened. It’s not easy raising a family and working full-time. I understand that.

Although I’ll be happy when Lucy is here, safe, exercising, and interacting with other dogs, I’m dreading that moment when her family drops her off at the Farnival. I dread it for everyone involved. I’ll keep you posted.

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