Meet Duke


For all my chattering about walking and socializing dogs, Duke defies all my advice. This poor pup lived alone in a fenced backyard and ate human scraps because his family couldn’t afford dog food. When Donna first met him, he had been so infested with fleas that he had to spend a few nights at the vet. Now, his fur is so raggedy along his haunches that it looks like he has mange. The back of his legs are bald, the skin discolored and flaking.

Last night, Mason and I drove over to Judy’s house to meet Duke and snap some pictures. Judy is another one of ICHBA’s foster moms, and Duke’ll be living there until he’s adopted. Even though that dog has basically been ignored since birth, he is one of the sweetest animals I’ve ever met, a gentle giant that greeted us with a wagging tail and soft nuzzles. Mason and I will start leash training Duke soon, but we’re going take it slow at first. Right now, Duke needs more TLC than exercise.