Meet Lucky a.k.a. Captain Jack Johnson

Captain Jack Johnson

Captain Jack Johnson


Captain Jack, our newest foster dog, is going to have problems at the Farnival unless he learns how to be nicer to our three black cats. For the first time EVER, I witnessed a dog clamping onto Boo, the most athletic, vicious member of our  feline posse.

Captain Jack grabbed Boo – a rangy, midnight-black assassin – off his perch on the deck’s railing and yanked him to the ground. I could tell by the second it took Boo to recover that he was as shocked as I was.

When I reached the scene, Boo had already leaped over the railing and sprinted full throttle across the front yard into the tree line.

Poor Captain Jack. He has no idea who he offended. Nobody fucks with the Boo.

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