Rosie Update
Rosie, our little ball of sunshine, has Demodectic mange. Thank the universe it isn’t the contagious kind. I mean it can happen, but it’s rare, and she’s getting dips at the vet’s office to kill the tiny, cigar-shaped mites that eat away at her hair follicles. Donna, ICHBA’s founder, decided to put her adoption on hold for 30 days until we’re sure all the mites are dead. As far as housetraining, there is definite progress, on both her part and ours. For right now, Rosie is officially in the Farnival’s version of doggie boot camp, which basically means constant supervision with immediate discipline. It takes a lot of effort and patience, but it’s worth it. She still has accidents, but not like her first week at the Farnival. It got to the point that she peed so much and so frequently we took her to the vet to see if she had a urinary tract infection, but the results were negative. She’s fine. She just needs to overcome her fear of the outdoors. Taking her for daily, structured walks with our pack is helping tremendously. Here she is kicking it with her very cool babysitter Meadow.