Jim Bob Got Adopted!
Last night Jim Bob left the Farnival. He was adopted by a great family with three small girls in Clarksville, TN. Even though the children, ages three to seven, bull-rushed him the moment we walked in the door, he greeted them with his head high. I couldn’t help but swell with pride at his progress. He used to flinch when I threw a sock in the hamper, but last evening, he handled a cacophony of strange and frenetic stimuli with nothing more than his tail tucked between his legs, and in all frankness, I hunkered a little too when Stella, Sarah, and Sally greeted us at full sprint, chirping like excited blue jays.
Jim Bob now lives in a subdivision straight out of a Steven Speilberg movie, like E.T., kids of all ages and shapes riding bikes, scooters, and skateboards, some with dogs, some without. By the time we left, neighborhood children were peeking their heads through the rod iron fence, asking if Jim Bob was a new member of the family. Just so no one missed the news, three-year-old ginger-haired Sarah started screaming it, standing on the the patio furniture. The best news is that Jim Bob’s new mom is a jogger so he’ll continue to do his favorite thing, which is to go fast first thing in the morning.