Sheps by Melissa

A Ziploc stuffed with Sheps dog food sat on Amy’s polished dining room table. A bag cost ten bucks with tax at ALDI’s and lasted for a month. I never read the ingredients. Sometimes, ignorance is bliss. I pushed the clear baggie to the side. Artie’s slick nose wiggled, capturing the scent of the artificially colored pellets. Street urchins aren’t picky.

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Melissa ArmstrongComment
Happy Holidays!

Twas a month before Christmas, when out of the house Karma was staring…did she see a mouse?
I flipped on the light to see out on the deck What’s this?…a red kitten…oh no!…what the heck?

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Melissa ArmstrongComment
Saving Bentley: Update

Bentley is still living at the Farnival. He’s SLOWLY learning that he has no reason to be afraid and hurt others. We’ve reached out to several no-kill animal sanctuaries and behaviorists. Hopefully, we’ll hear something soon. If anyone out there has ANY advice on how to help Bentley, please email us.

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Melissa ArmstrongComment
Saving Bentley

    “Bentley bit me,” I said.

     “Mel, you need to calm down,” Mason said.

      I cried so hard that my husband heard my tears through the cell phone, two thousand miles away in Pomona, California.

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Melissa ArmstrongComment