Catching Dawn Update 2

Yesterday morning at 6:00 AM, Mason and Donna, coffees in hand, rode to Smith Street with ICHBA‘s new catch pole stashed in the back of the van, to make another attempt to capture Dawn. Bernice said not too long ago she saw Dawn romping around the neighborhood with a dog that looks suspiciously like the Magic 8. We decided mange or no mange, Dawn needs to get fixed asap.

Here’s how it shook out: Bernice put FOUR Benadryl in Dawn’s Kibble -N- Bits. Normally, after she eats Dawn takes a morning nap on the porch and stays there for an hour or two. The plan was for Mason to sneak around the back of the house while she was sleeping and capture her with the catch pole, which is basically a stick with a noose at the end, load her into a crate, and then transport her  to a low-cost spay and neuter clinic.

Thirty minutes after Dawn ingested the drugs, Donna dropped Mason off a block from Bernice’s house, circled back, and parked up the street because Dawn knows to split when she sees the van. Mason walked up the street in the early morning light, but before he even got to the house next door, Dawn somehow sensed (I’m guessing smelled) Mason and eased on across the road, hanging out too far away for the catch pole, and eventually bolting.

Needless to say, Donna and Mason were frustrated, but all we can do is try again.