Tori Update
Remember when I said that Tori’s new family had recently lost their son? I got this letter a few days ago:
To Donna and Melissa…….
Hi ladies, this is JC. I just want to say that I am truely amazed. You seem to have picked out the perfect little doggy for us. Tori is just mellow as jello!
It is unbelievable how much our cuddly little friend has helped Teresa with her grief. Last night was the first night that Teresa did not cry for her son. She has been suffering incredible grief, and uncontrollable sobbing since her son passed away on Monday, the 7th of July……. Tori is certainly helping to fill the void in her heart.
I can’t tell you how much we appreciate your thoughtfulness and hospitality. Tori will be showered with love here…… Please keep in touch, and feel free to stop by anytime………….