A Bunch of Updates

Hello there: I got so many cool updates this week about Farnival foster dogs that I’m posting them all at once with some of my favorite pictures from the past. Enjoy. And have a great Sunday.

Jim Bob now Harvey:

From Bonnie, Harvey’s mom: “We took Harvey to the lake this weekend!  He loved it.  He is soooooo good. We have also been taking him to the edge of our neighborhood and letting him off his leash to bird hunt! He will go and point and then look at me and I say, “good job, Harvey” and then he moves on…. At the lake, he discovered a crane, so he went thru thick woods to the bay, and I hear a bunch of noise and then the crane is flying off, quacking and stuff because Harvey messed him up! Was so cute!!!! He is a GREAT hunting dog, u just cant shoot anything  and I am ok with that….;)”

Thelma now Abby:

From Dana, Abby’s mom: “We started obedience school on Sunday….and….dare I say?  She was a super star!  Basics like Watch Sit Stand…..the trainer wanted to play with her versus the other dogs. She was so attentive and engaged!   I play with her several times a day and in just 2 days….she is working off of hand commands (fairly) consistently. We have been walking in the morning and swimming at night.  The retriever training dummies are perfect, they float and she can see them better than a stick.  She definitely does that at will and sometimes gets distracted, so I am not asking for much….just whatever she wants to do.  She is also now going after balls on land, which she was not doing a week ago.  The part she misses is the bringing them back to me…..she wants me to chase her and then wrestle the ball back. :)”


From Maddison, Bentley’s mom, who is a firefighter in Alaska: “Everyone is doing fantastic. Very busy though as we are at the peak of fire season. Bentley has a girlfriend. A female German Shepherd named Akira….Bentley is such a snuggler. He even snuggles with Akira’s family.”


Apparently, Sil has learned the joy of a good rawhide. From Ashley, his new mom: “My friend brought her little puppy over yesterday and Sil did well and didn’t do the nipping part at all. He was very calm and patient with the puppy, even though the puppy kept biting his ears and tail, trying to get him to play rough. He shared a chew bone and even went on a walk with her. We are falling head over heels for him everyday. He was actually teaching the puppy how to walk on a leash last night. We are so happy he’s a part of our family.”