Dawn and The Magic 8 Update
Before Mason left for work in Bristol, TN, Thursday morning, he handed me a zip drive with pictures of the puppies. When I opened the zip, I noticed that he had named the folder “Dawn and the Magic 8.” It sounds good, right? So, Magic 8 (M8) it is.
As of this morning, the Magic 8 were still alive, but no matter what we’ve tried, we can’t catch Dawn, the mother dog. Currently (and this may change) this is ICHBA’s plan: two vets said that at four weeks we can take the Magic 8 from Dawn, at which time our plan is to tranquilize her, get her fixed and release her back on the streets or find an agency that specializes in training feral animals. If anyone out there can help us, please write to thefarnival@gmail.com.
So much for that warm bath we gave them; When I visited yesterday, the M8 were covered in dirt, and flies are swarming around the waste in their “den,” but they are getting feisty, squirming and yipping and sucking at fingers like they are the only creatures on the planet.