Breaking News: Thelma Walks on a Leash

Don’t worry the Farnival never reports bad breaking news. We just write essays about it 

On Monday, April 21st, 2014, at approximately 8:30 a.m. Thelma walked four miles on a leash! Holy Poop!

Starting out was rough. Not only would she plunk her fifty-two pound hulk on the pavement, but the moment we got an inch of leeway, she’d roll on her back, paws in the air.

Finally, with enough coaxing from her posse (Meadow and Rosie,) she began to move. By the second mile her tail was swishing back and forth. Her leash etiquette needs work, and she’s skittish as hell around everything from a skateboard to a bridge, but with enough miles, she’ll be a pro.

Here she is on the way home:

Rosie, Thelma, and Meadow

Melissa ArmstrongComment