Dawn and The Smith Street 11 Update

Smith Street 11 at 14 days old

Smith Street 11 at 14 days old


Concerning the Smith Street 11, they are all still alive and their eyes are open!

This week Mason and I made two attempts to collar their mother with a four-foot long catch pole and failed. We physically saw her on both occasions, even touched her with the noose once, but Dawn recognizes us now. She knows our car and the second she sees it (or smells us) she bolts. That dog is the savviest bitch I’ve ever met.

Donna has called the zoo three times to find out if they can drive to Robertson County with their tranquilizer gun. I’m guessing their lack of response means they can’t help. I’ve been on the horn with several large animal veterinarians. The most hopeful lead yet was from Crocker’s in Franklin, KY. I spoke with a Dr. Wyatt who said there were a few options, but she needed to do some research. I don’t know what that means, but it wasn’t a no.

Here’s the current plan: on Tuesday we’re pulling 5 of the fattest, healthiest pups. We’ll move the weaker ones inside a shed – stocked with cedar chips, food, and water – that’s close to her den. If Dawn rejects her relocated litter, we’ll pull the rest. But our hope is that she makes the shed her home and when she’s sleeping, someone shuts the door, effectively locking her inside.

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