Jumbled Thoughts on Rosie
Chris, Rosie’s new human leader, sent me an email that read “jumbled thoughts” in the subject line. It wasn’t at all jumbled to me, and I hope it isn’t to you. In fact, it downright made me get a big ‘ole knot in my throat. I miss Rosie all the time, but I’ll admit that Chris is a better leader for her than I could ever be. He can work with her one-on-one, which is a privilege that dogs at the Farnival don’t get a lot of. Since we currently have eight dogs living in our house, we’re all about group activity here Here’s Chris’s jumbled thoughts on Rosie:
“Melissa, you will get every bit of what I say, but this is for everybody that looked past Rosie.
Rosie is one of the best dogs I have ever had the pleasure of leading. I have had some great ones, so I’m not going to try and assign rank. I don’t think it’s right.
Rosie has one mission in life: to love and serve her master with unconditional loyalty. She is smart, learns quick, and will do anything to please. In the short week I’ve had her, she has already started walking on a loose leash and stops when I stop. She is learning that jumping is not an acceptable greeting, and she’s learning her left from her right.
I had planned to train her in German commands because that’s what I know. However, I am trying to learn the basics in Italian so that I can keep with the Soprano’s theme. (Note from Melissa: I giggle every time I read this.)
To everyone that overlooked Rosie, shame on you! She has qualities that many dogs can only dream of having. However, I am thrilled that you did overlook her because without your ignorance, I would not have met one of the coolest dogs in the world.
I look forward to many adventures with Rosie a.k.a. Smooth Operator. I’ll share what her nickname is all about in the future, but not yet. I want to make everyone wait for it.
Melissa, THANK YOU for allowing me to give Rosie a forever home. You established a great foundation for me to build on!
Chris & Rosie a.k.a. Smooth Operator”