Magic 8 Eyes are Opening

Magic 8

The Magic 8 (M8) were two-weeks-old yesterday, and their eyes are opening! On our way home from visiting Buddy in Logan County, Kentucky, Mason and I stopped by Bernice’s house. We carried every one of the still surviving M8 out of their den, setting them in a grassy patch in Bernice’s mostly muddy backyard and watched with both wonder and fear as they crawled all over the place, pudgy bellies skirting along the ground, tiny mouths mewing for their mother, Dawn, who Mason said he sighted, but I didn’t catch a glimpse of her the entire 30 minutes I gawked at her babies.

In the evening, Mason drove back to town and wrapped plastic fencing behind the pup’s bramble patch, stringing it between two old sheds, to try to keep them from getting too far away from the safety of their “den.” Behind the thicket is nothing but empty fields and high-tension power lines. In front of it, the pups would have to crawl through Bernice’s two-hundred-foot  yard before they get near the road.

Later this week I’ll post a photo essay by me (!!) of the pups at two weeks old. It’s the first time I’ve attempted taking pictures with Mason’s camera, and although no one would call the photos artwork, the subject matter more than makes up for my incompetence. Trust me. These pups are too f-ing cute for words. I keep trying to describe them, but every sentence fails to do justice so you’ll just have to check us out in a few days to comprehend what I’m failing to communicate.