Rescuing Dawn and the Magic 8
Sometime last weekend, I realized a needed a project. A BIG project. Tori and Pippi, our current foster dogs, don’t require special training, my spring semester at VCFA is over, and my dog just died.
So I researched how to domesticate feral dogs and care for three-week-old puppies, pleaded my case to Donna, ICHBA’s founder, and my husband Mason, and today we are hoping to capture Dawn and move her with the Magic 8 to a kennel in our freshly mopped basement.
It literally takes a village to do anything this complicated. And we are so excited to have Springfield Animal Control helping us today. Thank you!!!!
After consulting with a vet, this is our plan: sometime this afternoon, we’ll put tranquilizers in a particularly juicy piece of meat. Fifteen minutes after Dawn digests it, we’ll call Springfield Animal Control, who will bring their experience and expensive equipment, like a net gun and catch-pole, to Bernice’s house. We’ll stay close, but not close enough to spook Dawn, wait until she shows signs of wooziness, then hopefully capture and transport her with the M8 to the Farnival.
Besides the complication of catching Dawn, the big question is how will a feral dog react when she wakes up in captivity?