Rescuing Dawn Part 2
I have so much to tell all y’all, but I don’t have the time because we’re rushing out the door for our second day of trying to catch Dawn. Yesterday, Mason, Donna, and I spent 9 hours trying the capture her and failed miserably. The sedative (not tranquilizer – Mace keeps reminding me to correct that) didn’t work on the feral mom. She was obviously woozy, but whenever anyone got within a foot, her adrenaline kicked in, breaking through the drugs, and she bolted. Mason and I tracked her through parts of Springfield, TN, that I never even knew existed in a soupy ninety-degree heat. Wait until you here about some of the characters I met yesterday. Dear Lord, it was a writer’s dream
The Springfield Animal Control officer was a pleasant surprise. I was all prepared for a heavyset middle-aged white man with a southern drawl, but instead the officer, a twenty-something dreadlocked black woman from Panama, had Dawn under a net, but at the last second she broke free. This dog is an amazing escape artist. Truly superb.
Anyway, concerning the Magic 8, from the moment I arrived at Bernice’s yesterday, I noticed that one of the pups – the one with the brown, black, and white snout, was acting lethargic. Plus, fleas swarmed every nook and cranny of those pups, so Mace and I took four of them to the Farnival last night, gave each of them THREE fleas baths, fed them soft food mixed with puppy formula, and nestled them in a big crate piled with the warmest blankets I could find. My sidekick Charlotte asked me how I picked which ones to take home. Honestly, it was really easy. I let everyone else do it because I wasn’t making that call. No way, now how.
When I checked on the pups in their new cozy clean digs about ten minutes ago, they were playing, biting at each other’s ears.