Benny Update

Sometimes, Mason and I like to dream up an all-star team of foster dogs, like which ones (if we were unbelievably wealthy) we would have kept at the Farnival forever. Benny, the huge hound dog, is always in the top three. I got this update from his mom, Alexandra:

“We have kept his name the same. We love his personality. He sleeps in Josh’s and my bed and has his very own pillow. Josh calls him spoiled (I have no idea where he is getting this from.)

We started Benny in a 6 week behavior training course at Petsmart, not that he needed it. We signed him up mostly to teach ourselves more than him. That process really let us see how incredibly brilliant Benny is. He learned every trick and command faster than I could even teach it to him. Josh and I really learned how to interact with him to get the results we wanted (really we were trained more than the dog).

Also, he has a fan club. Both our boys are in baseball and we take him to every game. He has become the team mascot and always has a small group of children trailing him around everywhere.

He has two doggy cousins – my sister has two Beagles, Dolly and Deuce. We take frequent trips to the dog park together and Benny just comes alive there. He really enjoys social interaction with other dogs. He plays and runs REALLY fast. Josh said he wants to put him in a race and bet on him. I explained that as fast as he is, he would take off in the opposite direction because he marches to the beat of his own drummer! That’s just who he is, my little independent boy 

In conclusion, he’s the love of all our lives and we just can’t imagine our life without him.”