Dawn – a feral dog we caught after seven months and nineteen puppies – went from roaming free for years to being locked up in our basement; I can’t imagine it’s an easy adjustment. She lives inside a 4’ by 8’ pen. A makeshift-plywood wall splits the basement in half, barricading any escape and keeping the pack away.
Read MoreShed was locked tight, all holes, cracks, loose boards nailed closed. Hunter’s earthy wipes applied. The weather was just right too; drizzly Christmas Eve morning, the kind that kept humans and dogs in bed for another hour or two.
Read MoreRemember Pippi? The dog that loved puppies and swimming? I got this email from Pippi’s family: “I just thought you would appreciate that my son put a post-it note on Pippi today that read ‘sweetest dog ever.’ Happy Christmas.”
Read MoreDawn Update, Sunday, 4:40 PM: Mason went back to Smith Street mid-morning; apparently, Dawn yanked at a loose board, making enough room to squeeze out. Mace fixed the weak spot; we’ll wait another day and try again. There’s no other option.
Read MoreCross your fingers y’all. This shed is the best chance we have for capturing Dawn. Six puppies are inside and as of yesterday, she was feeding them. We’ve never been able to lure Dawn into an enclosed space before so we are super hopeful.
Read MoreI’ve had several readers ask why we decided to split the Smith Street 11, Dawn’s second litter, taking five off the property and leaving six behind. Great question. For those of you just tuning in, Dawn is a feral dog that we’ve been trying to catch for six months, who (since we’ve been tracking her) has had 19 puppies in a Springfield, TN ghetto.
Read MoreDawn found her puppies. Forty minutes before we needed to start feeding the remaining 3-week- old pups in four-hour increments, I got this text from Bernice:
Read MoreThis afternoon we pulled the five biggest pups from Dawn’s second litter. Danita took them home to foster until they’re adopted. Danita is a twenty-something animal activist with a rock-n-roll edge and a trove of dog knowledge. ICHBA often works with her family, who have their own version of a “Farnival.”
Read MoreI’ve decided that most little dogs think they are big. And most big dogs think they are little.
Read MoreThe house was absurdly quiet last night. Our six-month-old mutt Adriana spent her evening moping, which is unusual but understandable; both her buddies Mellie and Captain Jack got adopted this weekend.
Read MoreConcerning the Smith Street 11, they are all still alive and their eyes are open!
Read MoreOn Tuesday, Lucy from Perry County, TN spent a night at the Farnival because she got fixed early the following morning. She arrived at the house with a shy disposition, tail tucked, shivering.
Read MoreI’m so stoked to report that all of The Perry County 8 have been adopted and their mom, Lucy, got spayed yesterday.
Read MoreDo you remember the story of Lucy from Perry County that had a litter of 8 pups under a stranger’s porch? Farnival writer Geoff Reed has been fostering Lucy for a few weeks. I got this funny email and picture from Geoff yesterday:
Read MoreICHBA has offered the Nashville Zoo $500 to bring their tranquilizer gun to Robertson County and help us catch Dawn.
The half that guessed Dawn had 11 pups was right, seven girls and four boys. Officially, Dawn’s had 19 puppies in six months.
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